Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)

We are pleased to present NCC Group’s FY 2023 report in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

TCFD reporting helps organisations like ours disclose climate[1]related financial risks and opportunities in a structured way.

In alignment with the financial Listing Rule 9.8.6R(8) – which mandates climate-related disclosure for all UK listed companies – we have produced a comprehensive TCFD Report. Our report covers the four pillars recommended by TCFD: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics/targets and the 11 disclosures recommended by TCFD except as noted below.

To ensure consistency across our report, we adhered to section C of the TCFD Annex, titled “Guidance for All Sectors”.

As a result the following are documented as partially compliant with further detail available within this report:

  • Strategy B and C – we are in the process of considering financial implications of climate scenarios into our financial planning and in the next reporting period will look to develop a quantitative scenario analysis and integrate into financial planning.
  • Metrics and Targets B – Scope 3 emissions are limited to business travel, electricity and distribution losses, heat and steam transmission and distribution losses. We continue to improve data collection from suppliers and understanding of colleague commuting impacts to enhance our reporting across other Scope 3 categories, through various planned engagement activities in the next period.

Each pillar of our report includes a table detailing our current disclosure and areas of focus for 2024.

Our assessment indicates a low risk of exposure to physical and transitional climate changes, thanks to our business model. However, we acknowledge the high importance of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, which emerged as a priority from stakeholder feedback in our recent materiality assessment.

We continue to partner with Planet Mark, a leading sustainability certification organisation, to calculate, verify and target reductions in our carbon footprint and support our commitment towards net zero before 2050.

We recognise the considerable opportunities presented by the growing climate-focused market. Our collaborations with clients in industries such as electric vehicles, renewable energy, operational technology and other climate-friendly technologies underscore our readiness to seize these opportunities for sustainable growth.


Our latest reporting against the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) requirements is included below. 

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