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Our Market Landscape

The market landscape

The market landscape in cyber resilience continues to be driven by four dominant factors that starts with the increasing number of connected devices and services, which people are becoming more dependent on. This is creating more opportunity for threat actors to operate and forcing increased regulation and non-compliance penalties.

Increased connectivity

With increased connectivity comes the need for infrastructure to support it. And connectivity is enabling paradigms in computing, processing and service delivery not previously possible, which further accelerates the rate of innovation. And innovation brings huge opportunity but also cyber risk, that needs to be discovered, assessed, managed and maintained.

Reliance on the connected environment

As industries become digitised and connected to deliver efficiencies and new ways of working society becomes increasingly dependent on this new connected world and not in an always-obvious manner. The complexity of this connectivity and interdependence means the risk of contagion from a breach leading to disruption in one part of a system affecting another has never been higher.

The proliferation of threats and threat actors

The bar of entry to become a cyber-aggressor continues to fall while the level of cyber resilience and robustness has not correspondingly increased for the most part. While governments have, through international accords such as The Wassenaar Arrangement, tried to stem the proliferation of advanced capabilities, the reality is that advanced hacking today is simply too easy.

Relentless increase in regulation and consequent costs of compliance failure

Most mature governments deem the free market to have failed at delivering the level of cyber resilience required. Mature governments are enacting strategies to protect their citizens. This includes creating central functions or organisations for cyber defence within the national governance structure and protecting legislation in place through to embarking on regulation.